Kittens again.

Saffron has always followed a pattern, in her first litter she had five, and in her second she had four. She has always repeated this pattern for the amount of kittens in her litters. But through this pattern, she would lose the race to Zoe, so this time, she surprised us all with a litter…

Bottle Lamb

I still give Patience two litres of milk a day, and she appreciates it a lot. I find that bottle fed animals are always the nicest. Faith is afraid of me, she runs from me, and she bleats for April when I hold her. I have started giving her grain, but it wasn’t enough. So…

Hay bale Bunny

I went out to the barn for morning chores. I was watering my bunnies, and then I realized that Misty had opened up her cage, again. But this time she was not in her cage. I ran to tell Daddy to keep an eye out for her, and as I was about to continue watering,…

Horsey Haircuts

Bonnie’s mane has been getting quite wispy over the last little while, so we decided it its probably time for a trim! Warning! We have never done this before, hopefully it doesn’t look to goofy… We used scissors, but I think the manes and tails look good, but Bonnie’s forelock is a bit, uh, unique…..

Kittens sold

The kittens became nice, and they were old enough to leave their mother. So we sold all of the kittens, except for Corona. Do not worry! Saffron is pregnant, we will have more kittens soon! I said Corona has not been sold, why so? I will tell you why. Mommy, Daddy, Dexter, and I sat…

April’s little lambs

Both of the little lambs are named, and April is taking very good care of them. April is a great mother, and the lambs are so cute! We named the boy Jack. We named the girl April, and to stay with the theme, we named the lamb Jack, after the Jack O Lantern. He is…

Saffron’s plan

Saffron’s plan was thwarted. I love pretending to be our animals, and this is what this post is going to be about. Today I am going to take the role of Saffron, the cat. “It is my objective to beat Zoe in this race, we shall see who can have more babies. Zoe is catching…

Breeze’s kitties have left…

Today two people came for Breeze’s kittens. Bailey was given to a family, and I think that this will suit him. He is a really playful cat, and he needs people who are willing to play with him all the time. I think he will be happy. Ebony and Harvey went together, and they will…

Digging and planting a Garden

We have dug in some rows for our garden, and it is a fairly huge one too! Well, it’s bigger than the size we were planning on having. After digging up a lot of rows, we put some seeds in the ground. We planted a row of squash and zucchini, spinach, cabbage, Swiss Chard, peppers,…

Feral Kittens

This week, after we caught the kittens, we brought them inside. They were very nervous being in a new area, and with new cats. But they quickly became great friends with all of the kittens, and with the adult cats as well! Yay! After we brought the kittens in, we brought their mother, Storm in…

The Feral Kitties

The kittens were lost for a while, but I found them. While they were in the bush, they got feral again. They would hiss and spit when they saw me, and they would try to scratch me a lot. They needed to be rounded up again. But the problem was, they disappeared! It was a…

April’s little lambs

We have a Romanov sheep that was supposed to lamb sometime in June. Today, on June 28th, she had them. Dexter and I were standing on the deck, and the sheep were in a paddock right beside us. I noticed that April was lying down on the ground, and her head was lifted up high….

Feral Kittens

It has been a week since I first discovered the kittens! They were all doing well, and they were warming up to me so much! Shalom became really good friends with Corona and Cat, they love to play together. I decided a few days ago t let them in and out of their home, so…

Indoor kittens

The kittens are nice and friendly, we all love them! They are so pretty, and they have very unique stripes, patterns, and colour in their fur! They love to play, and enjoy having naps on our laps. They all love to explore, and they are all adventurous! Breeze’s kittens have become good friends with Saffron’s…

Things happen

Misty’s rabbits are no longer. This morning, I came out to find all the baby rabbits lying on their backs, their stomachs were exposed. Their paws were tucked in, and they looked like their stomachs were squished. We could also see their rib cages better than we should have been able to. It probably didn’t…

Feral Kittens Day 3

Not much has happened today, but the kittens are getting a little friendlier. Last night, I forgot to put Storm back in with them, oops! They are okay though, and they all are doing well! Kayli


After the three of us got horses, my brother, Dexter wanted one too. My parents told him not yet, and that maybe he should start saving up. This is where the idea of getting a cow originated. You can get a Holstein Bull Calf for twenty five dollars around here, around this price, or less…

Vera’s litter update

Now I am going to write an update about Vera’s sweet, cuddly, amazing puppies. They have all grown so much, and so fast! Their eyes have opened, and they are balls of energy, and cuteness! I love having them around with me in the house. Now I shall talk about each individual pup. Vet Bill…


Well, a couple days ago, someone came to look at Siri. He had a son and a daughter. They lived in a house, and they were renting some land from someone next door (I do not know if “renting” is the right word for this sentence). They had rented this land so that they could…

Gentling Feral Kittens Day 2

You may say “No! you’ve been gentling them for three days!”. But really, I have been doing it for two days, and one afternoon. So I am starting my counting from the day I captured them. Good introduction? I thought you may be wondering about my counting skills. On to the story! The kittens are…