
Melody: A pleasing arrangement of sounds, so sayeth the dictionary. Melody; a strong, fighter of a sheep. Melody, my new ewe that I love. Last month, we ran into Nova Scotia for two sheep; Melody, a sweet little ewe, and a ram that is Moorit coloured. They’re both Icelandic sheep, and are both about four…

An Update

It’s been quite the year, and we’ve been quite busy here on the farm with summer trying to come, so I haven’t been blogging much lately. A lot has been going on though, I’ve sold Smokey. He’s so sweet and he’s going to a wonderful home. I hope he loves it there. Shasta had kits,…


Today I’m just going to write a generic update about life on the farm, it’s been busy lately. Spring is on its way, so we’ve had lots of little, new animals being welcomed into our home and farm. It’s a joy, but it also brings a lot of work, tiredness, and business. (I hope that’s…

Two New Icelandics!

Ever since I got Lily, I had been instantly in love. After meeting her, I came to the conclusion that I really wanted to breed Icelandics. The search for a ram began. Lily’s breeder said that she would have some un-related rams in the spring. Daddy messaged her (near the end of June, so we…

Get out of my barn!

We put up an electric net for the goats and Faith, and put some of them outside. They have really enjoyed being out there! We set the net up around our garden, we are going to let them eat it right down so that there will be less grass, and thus it will be easier…

Patience’s Daughter

Today, on March19th, Patience had a little kid. Patience was the daughter of Satine, our little bottle goat that lived in the house, do you remember her? I was about to get my coat and boots on to go do chores, when Dexter- who had already started his chores just minutes before-, came in the…

Lily The Icelandic Sheep

I’ve been looking for some Icelandic sheep for a little while now. Icelandic sheep are supposed to be very hardy sheep, they are good for meat, milk and wool, and they are supposed to be good mothers. Our sheep die a lot, they do not grow very big, and Brie and April were the only…

Bottle Lamb

I still give Patience two litres of milk a day, and she appreciates it a lot. I find that bottle fed animals are always the nicest. Faith is afraid of me, she runs from me, and she bleats for April when I hold her. I have started giving her grain, but it wasn’t enough. So…

April’s little lambs

Both of the little lambs are named, and April is taking very good care of them. April is a great mother, and the lambs are so cute! We named the boy Jack. We named the girl April, and to stay with the theme, we named the lamb Jack, after the Jack O Lantern. He is…

April’s little lambs

We have a Romanov sheep that was supposed to lamb sometime in June. Today, on June 28th, she had them. Dexter and I were standing on the deck, and the sheep were in a paddock right beside us. I noticed that April was lying down on the ground, and her head was lifted up high….

Lamb, and Goat Total

As you probably know, we have had a lot of sheep, and goats going into labour recently. I thought I would total up how many were born on our little homestead, and how many made it. First, let’s start off with the birth that happened first. Satine had her kids first, she had triplets. Two…

Miracles in birthing hours

When Patience survived, it was most definitely a miracle. With that being a miracle, I have another two (mostly one) to share. March 28th, Briee, one of our pregnant Romanov sheep had two little lambs. It was dark out, and Briee kept yawning so cutely, but I felt bad that she was sooo tired. She…