Vera’s Puppies!

Vera had a litter of puppies! It was in May. She had two Blenheim, one tricolour, two ruby coloured, and one black and tan! Meet the puppies: Trixie is first! We decided to call her Trixie after one of Zoe’s first puppies. She looks just like Zoe’s Trixie, with her little brown lip! Trixie is…

Breeze’s Kittens!

About two weeks after Saffron had kittens, Breeze was no longer pregnant, I came to the conclusion that she had kittens! They were not found for the longest time, but one day, we finally did. Walking into the horse stall area, a panick seized me. Where were my leads??! I had left my purple on…

Vera’s litter update

Now I am going to write an update about Vera’s sweet, cuddly, amazing puppies. They have all grown so much, and so fast! Their eyes have opened, and they are balls of energy, and cuteness! I love having them around with me in the house. Now I shall talk about each individual pup. Vet Bill…

Vera’s Litter in a Virus time

Bad time to have a litter of sweet adorable puppies, Vera. Yes, I am lookin’ at you Vera. We are in quarantine, stuck in our houses, we are not allowed to go anywhere, and how are we supposed to sell these puppies in two months once things get worse? I have no clue! But God…

Vera’s Litter

Puppies, puppies, and more puppies! Right after Yom Kippur, Vera had puppies, They were all boys! Mommy and Daddy decided to name them after bills, and things we need to buy, so their names were Horse Tack, Mortgage Payment, Dishwasher, and Groceries. Later Dexter gave Groceries the nickname Coffee. From left to right: Coffee, and…